* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
Andrew Head

Registered user since Tue 22 May 2018

Name:Andrew Head

Andrew researches how new tools can support programmers in sharing code and insights. This work leverages novel combinations of program analysis and user interface design. Andrew is a fourth-year PhD student at UC Berkeley EECS, where he is advised by Professors Björn Hartmann and Marti Hearst. Andrew has conducted empirical studies with software developers at Google with Caitlin Sadowski, and has published research on experimental programming tools at top conferences in software engineering and human-computer interaction including CHI, ICSE, Learning@Scale, and VL/HCC.

Affiliation:UC Berkeley
Personal website: http://andrewhead.info
Research interests:Human-computer interaction, software engineering


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