* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden

Accepted Demonstrations

Aletheia: A Failure Diagnosis Toolchain
DEMO - Demonstrations
AnATLyzer: An Advanced IDE for ATL Model Transformations
DEMO - Demonstrations
Pre-print Media Attached
An Extensible, Regular-Expression-Based Tool for Multi-Language Mutant Generation
DEMO - Demonstrations
Pre-print Media Attached
A Regression Proof Selection Tool For Coq
DEMO - Demonstrations
Pre-print Media Attached File Attached
COMB: Computing Relevant Program Behaviors
DEMO - Demonstrations
Link to publication
CSLICERCLOUD: A Web-Based Semantic History Slicing Framework
DEMO - Demonstrations
Pre-print Media Attached
CyPhEF: A Model-Driven Engineering Framework for Self-Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems
DEMO - Demonstrations
Link to publication
Elixir: An Automated Repair Tool for Java Programs
DEMO - Demonstrations
EVA: A Tool for Visualizing Software Architectural Evolution
DEMO - Demonstrations
Pre-print Media Attached
GuideGen - A Tool for Keeping Requirements and Acceptance Tests Aligned
DEMO - Demonstrations
Link to publication
KernelHaven – An Experimentation Workbench for Analyzing Software Product Lines
DEMO - Demonstrations
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
MDebugger: A Model-level Debugger for UML-RT
DEMO - Demonstrations
MDroid+: A Mutation Testing Framework for Android
DEMO - Demonstrations
Pre-print Media Attached
MuAlloy: A Mutation Testing Framework for Alloy
DEMO - Demonstrations
Link to publication File Attached
Multi-View Editing of Software Product Lines with PEoPL
DEMO - Demonstrations
Link to publication Pre-print
Perceval: Software Project Data at Your Will
DEMO - Demonstrations
Pre-print Media Attached File Attached
PerformanceHat - Augmenting Source Code with Runtime Performance Traces in the IDE
DEMO - Demonstrations
PROMOpedia — A web-content management-based encyclopedia of software property models
DEMO - Demonstrations
Pre-print Media Attached
ReGuard: Finding Reentrancy Bugs in Smart Contracts
DEMO - Demonstrations
ReVision: A Tool for History-based Model Repair Recommendations
DEMO - Demonstrations
Link to publication
SAFL: Increasing and Accelerating Testing Coverage with Symbolic Execution and Guided Fuzzing
DEMO - Demonstrations
Link to publication
SATD Detector: A Text-Mining-Based Self-Admitted Technical Debt Detection Tool
DEMO - Demonstrations
Pre-print Media Attached
SQLInspect: A Static Analyzer to Inspect Database Usage in Java Applications
DEMO - Demonstrations
StackInTheFlow: Behavior-Driven Recommendation System for Stack Overflow Posts
DEMO - Demonstrations
SUSHI: A Test Generator for Programs with Complex Structured Inputs
DEMO - Demonstrations
The Gamma Statechart Composition Framework: Design, Verification and Code Generation for Component-Based Reactive Systems
DEMO - Demonstrations
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
The Palladio-Bench for Modeling and Simulating Software Architectures
DEMO - Demonstrations
Link to publication Media Attached
VisuFlow: a Debugging Environment for Static Analyses
DEMO - Demonstrations
Link to publication Pre-print
Weak-Assert: A Weakness-Oriented Assertion Recommendation Toolkit for Program Analysis
DEMO - Demonstrations
When the testing gets tough, the tough get ElasTest
DEMO - Demonstrations
DOI Pre-print Media Attached

Call for contributions

The objective of the ICSE 2018 Demonstrations Track is to excite the software engineering community about new advances in our field through compelling demonstrations that help advance research and practice. The track is a highly interactive venue where researchers and practitioners can demonstrate their tools and discuss them with attendees.

Tool-based demonstrations describe novel aspects of early prototypes or mature tools. The tool demonstrations must communicate clearly the following information to the audience:

  • the envisioned users;
  • the software engineering challenge it proposes to address;
  • the methodology it implies for its users; and
  • the results of validation studies already conducted for mature tools, or the design of planned studies for early prototypes.

Highlighting scientific contributions through concrete artifacts is a critical supplement to the traditional ICSE research papers. A demonstration provides the opportunity to communicate how the scientific approach has been implemented or how a specific hypothesis has been assessed, including details such as implementation and usage issues, data models and representations, APIs for tool and data access. Authors of regular research papers are thus also encouraged to submit an accompanying demonstration paper.


Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the demonstrations selection committee.

The evaluation criteria include:

  • the relevance of the proposed demonstration for the ICSE audience;
  • the technical soundness of the demonstrated tool (for a tool demo)
  • the originality of its underlying ideas;
  • the quality of its presentation in the associated video; and
  • the degree to which it considers the relevant literature.

How to Submit

Submissions must conform to the ACM formatting instructions. In particular, submissions of demonstrations papers must meet the following criteria.

A demonstration submission may not exceed four pages (including all text, references and figures). Each submission MUST be accompanied by a short video (between three and five minutes long) illustrating the demonstration. The video should be made available online at the time of submission. Videos should (i) provide an overview of the tool’s capabilities and/or dataset characteristics; (ii) walk through (some of) the tool capabilities and/or data analysis process; (iii) where appropriate, provide clarifying voice-over and/or annotation highlights; and (iv) be engaging and exciting for the watcher! A submission may not have been previously published in a demonstration form. The paper submission must be in PDF.

Papers must be submitted electronically through EasyChair submission page by November 20, 2017. (The submission webpage will be opened 3 months before the submission deadline). Demo submissions do not have to be anonymized.

At the end of the abstract, please append the URL at which your demo video can be found. Please note that for consistency, we require that ALL videos be uploaded to YouTube and made accessible during the time of reviewing. Authors of successful submissions will have the opportunity to revise both the paper and the video (and its hosting location) by the camera-ready deadline.

For examples of previously successful short videos, please see the examples from ICSE 2016 demo

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: November 20, 2017
  • Notification deadline: January 22, 2018
  • Camera ready copy: February 12, 2018


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Wed 30 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

11:00 - 12:30
Mining repositoriesDEMO - Demonstrations at E1/A room
Chair(s): Denys Poshyvanyk William and Mary
Perceval: Software Project Data at Your Will
DEMO - Demonstrations
Santiago Dueñas , Valerio Cosentino Bitergia, Gregorio Robles Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Pre-print Media Attached File Attached
StackInTheFlow: Behavior-Driven Recommendation System for Stack Overflow Posts
DEMO - Demonstrations
SATD Detector: A Text-Mining-Based Self-Admitted Technical Debt Detection Tool
DEMO - Demonstrations
Zhongxin Liu Zhejiang University, Qiao Huang , Xin Xia Monash University, Emad Shihab Concordia University, David Lo Singapore Management University, Shanping Li
Pre-print Media Attached
11:00 - 12:30
Test automation and failure diagnosisDEMO - Demonstrations at E1/B room
Chair(s): Ralf Reussner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and FZI - Research Center for Information Technology (FZI)
Aletheia: A Failure Diagnosis Toolchain
DEMO - Demonstrations
When the testing gets tough, the tough get ElasTest
DEMO - Demonstrations
Antonia Bertolino CNR-ISTI, Antonello Calabrò CNR-ISTI, Guglielmo De Angelis CNR-IASI, CNR-ISTI, Micael Gallego , Boni García , Francisco Gortázar Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
SUSHI: A Test Generator for Programs with Complex Structured Inputs
DEMO - Demonstrations
Pietro Braione University of Milano-Bicocca, Giovanni Denaro University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, Andrea Mattavelli Imperial College London, Mauro Pezze Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) and Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
14:00 - 15:30
Mutation testingDEMO - Demonstrations at E1/A room
Chair(s): Lutz Prechelt Freie Universität Berlin
MuAlloy: A Mutation Testing Framework for Alloy
DEMO - Demonstrations
Kaiyuan Wang , Allison Sullivan , Sarfraz Khurshid University of Texas at Austin
Link to publication File Attached
An Extensible, Regular-Expression-Based Tool for Multi-Language Mutant Generation
DEMO - Demonstrations
Alex Groce Northern Arizona University, Josie Holmes Pennsylvania State University, USA, Darko Marinov University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, August Shi University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Lingming Zhang
Pre-print Media Attached
MDroid+: A Mutation Testing Framework for Android
DEMO - Demonstrations
Kevin Moran College of William & Mary, Michele Tufano College of William and Mary, Carlos Bernal-Cárdenas , Mario Linares-Vásquez Systems and Computing Engineering Department , Universidad de los Andes , Bogotá, Colombia , Gabriele Bavota Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Christopher Vendome , Massimiliano Di Penta University of Sannio, Denys Poshyvanyk William and Mary
Pre-print Media Attached
14:00 - 15:30
Performance and NFRDEMO - Demonstrations at E1/B room
Chair(s): Matthias Galster University of Canterbury
The Palladio-Bench for Modeling and Simulating Software Architectures
DEMO - Demonstrations
Robert Heinrich , Dominik Werle , Heiko Klare , Ralf Reussner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and FZI - Research Center for Information Technology (FZI), Max Kramer , Steffen Becker University of Stuttgart, Jens Happe , Heiko Koziolek , Klaus Krogmann
Link to publication Media Attached
PerformanceHat - Augmenting Source Code with Runtime Performance Traces in the IDE
DEMO - Demonstrations
Jürgen Cito MIT, Philipp Leitner Chalmers University of Technology & University of Gothenburg, Christian Bosshard , Markus Knecht , Genc Mazlami , Harald Gall University of Zurich
PROMOpedia — A web-content management-based encyclopedia of software property models
DEMO - Demonstrations
Séverine Sentilles Mälardalen University, Federico Ciccozzi Malardalen University, Efi Papatheocharous RISE ICT/SICS
Pre-print Media Attached
16:00 - 17:30
EvolutionDEMO - Demonstrations at E1/B room
Chair(s): Romina Spalazzese Malmö University
GuideGen - A Tool for Keeping Requirements and Acceptance Tests Aligned
DEMO - Demonstrations
Sofija Hotomski IFI, University of Zurich, Martin Glinz
Link to publication
EVA: A Tool for Visualizing Software Architectural Evolution
DEMO - Demonstrations
Daye Nam University of Southern California, USA, Youn Kyu Lee , Nenad Medvidović University of Southern California
Pre-print Media Attached
CSLICERCLOUD: A Web-Based Semantic History Slicing Framework
DEMO - Demonstrations
Yi Li Nanyang Technological University, Chenguang Zhu University of Texas, Austin, Julia Rubin University of British Columbia, Marsha Chechik University of Toronto
Pre-print Media Attached

Thu 31 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

11:00 - 12:30
SPLs and OO repairDEMO - Demonstrations at E1/A room
Chair(s): Rachel Tzoref-Brill IBM Research
KernelHaven – An Experimentation Workbench for Analyzing Software Product Lines
DEMO - Demonstrations
Christian Kröher University of Hildesheim, Sascha El-Sharkawy University of Hildesheim, Klaus Schmid Stiftung University Hildesheim
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
Elixir: An Automated Repair Tool for Java Programs
DEMO - Demonstrations
Ripon Saha , Hiroaki Yoshida Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc., Mukul Prasad Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Susumu Tokumoto Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Kuniharu Takayama , Isao Nanba
Multi-View Editing of Software Product Lines with PEoPL
DEMO - Demonstrations
Mukelabai Mukelabai , Benjamin Behringer htw saar, Germany, Moritz Fey , Jochen Palz , Jacob Krüger Harz University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Thorsten Berger
Link to publication Pre-print
11:00 - 12:30
Static analysisDEMO - Demonstrations at E1/B room
Chair(s): Anne Koziolek Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
AnATLyzer: An Advanced IDE for ATL Model Transformations
DEMO - Demonstrations
Pre-print Media Attached
VisuFlow: a Debugging Environment for Static Analyses
DEMO - Demonstrations
Lisa Nguyen Quang Do Paderborn University, Stefan Krüger , Patrick Hill , Karim Ali University of Alberta, Eric Bodden Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Paderborn University and Fraunhofer IEM
Link to publication Pre-print
SQLInspect: A Static Analyzer to Inspect Database Usage in Java Applications
DEMO - Demonstrations
Csaba Nagy , Anthony Cleve University of Namur
14:00 - 15:30
VerificationDEMO - Demonstrations at E1/B room
Chair(s): Marie-Christine Jakobs LMU, Munich, Germany
COMB: Computing Relevant Program Behaviors
DEMO - Demonstrations
Benjamin Holland , Payas Awadhutkar , Suresh Kothari Iowa State University, USA, Ahmed Tamrawi , Jon Mathews EnSoft Corp.
Link to publication
The Gamma Statechart Composition Framework: Design, Verification and Code Generation for Component-Based Reactive Systems
DEMO - Demonstrations
Vince Molnár Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Bence Graics Budapest University of Technology and Economics, András Vörös Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Istvan Majzik Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Daniel Varro McGill University / Budapest University of Technology and Economics
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
A Regression Proof Selection Tool For Coq
DEMO - Demonstrations
Ahmet Celik University of Texas at Austin, USA, Karl Palmskog The University of Texas at Austin, Milos Gligoric University of Texas at Austin
Pre-print Media Attached File Attached

A playlist with all accepted demonstration videos is available on youtube.

All papers have been published in the ACM digital library at https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3183440.