* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden

ICSSP2018 – Demands on Processes, Processes on Demand

The main ICSSP web-page is at http://icssp-conferences.org/

Registration Link


Conference Topics

Software and system process decision-making is becoming more challenging for development organizations. These organizations are incorporating engineering advances, seeking to meet expectations of their customers, and responding to the economic pressures of markets. The resulting demands on processes include the need for both well-developed plans and incremental deliveries (agile and hybrid processes), utilization of increased automation (model-based engineering and DevOps), higher degrees of customer collaboration, comprehensive analysis of existing products for reuse (open source and COTS), and performance requirements of enterprise-level architectures.

In response to these demands, process stakeholders—process engineers responsible for designing and implementing processes, managers or coaches who staff and guide them, researchers who study and improve them, tools developers who support and facilitate them, and developers and sustainers who use and tailor them—are producing more varieties of processes and doing so more often. Just as agility is required more frequently in product development, it is also being demanded in processes while maintaining their essential purposes of coordination and communication. Demands on processes are requiring processes on demand. Providing processes on demand is challenging for process designers. They must be able to select compatible process elements for a specific set of situational factors, to assess the risks in and forecast outcomes of a process design or improvement, to specify methods of implementation, and to monitor an enacted process quantitatively and identify needs for modifications. These capabilities require specialized knowledge and engineering methods from researchers.

ICSSP seeks to explore the demands on processes that are requiring more variety and responsiveness in process development. To this end, ICSSP invites papers describing completed research or advanced work in progress in all areas of software and system processes. Contributions reflecting industrial experience are especially welcome.

Topics of Interest

  • Situational and economic factors in selecting, designing, and managing processes
  • Data science for process analysis and management
  • Data mining for process improvement and evolution
  • Process modeling and simulation for planning and decision support
  • Transformation of organizations and their processes for advanced development paradigms such as agile, lean, DevOps or customer-centric development
  • Revising existing process roles and establishing new specialties
  • Empirical studies of software tools for process monitoring and measurement
  • Process studies in non-software domains that provide lessons for software and systems
  • Methods of analyzing and selecting existing software for successful system incorporation
  • Process measurement and analysis techniques and their correlation with outcomes
  • Methods for configuring and implementing processes from accepted organizational practices
  • Empirical studies and experience reports, encompassing complete or parts of software and systems development lifecycle, especially of delivery-driven (agile) processes

Call for Papers

For more information, including the call for papers, please visit the ICSSP web-page at http://icssp-conferences.org/

Submission Types

  • Full papers (up to 10 pages) that reflect completed and evaluated research on novel approaches to major software and systems engineering process challenges and in-depth experience reports of significance for the community.
  • Industry experience papers (up to 10 pages) that reflect cooperative research in industry-academia collaborations. Those papers are expected to report industry challenges and practical solutions. Contributions of this kind are expected to demonstrate a significant impact to practice.
  • Short papers (up to 5 pages) that describe research-in-progress (e.g. PhD research) or conceptual and position papers addressing open research questions and future research directions

Submissions and Publishing

All papers will be published in the ICSSP proceedings. The papers should be formatted according to ACM formatting guidelines, see ICSE 2018 formatting instructions: https://conf.researchr.org/track/icse-2018/icse-2018-Double-blind-review#Formatting. ICSSP does not perform double-blind reviews. The papers will appear in the digital libraries of both ACM and IEEE.

Papers should be submitted through the conference EasyChair submission site.

Best Research Papers

Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit a revised and extended version of their papers to a special issue of the Journal of Software: Evolution and Process published by John Wiley & Sons.