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Dr. Peppler is an associate professor of Informatics & Education at University of California, Irvine who engages in research that focuses on the intersection of arts, computational technologies and interest-driven learning. She holds a Ph.D. in Urban Schooling from UCLA, where she was part of the NSF-sponsored team that designed and studied the Scratch platform, which garnered her a Dissertation Research Award from the Spencer Foundation. After serving as a UC Presidential Postdoctoral Scholar at UC Irvine, Dr. Peppler joined the Learning Sciences faculty at Indiana University-Bloomington in 2008. Upon joining the UC Irvine faculty in 2018, Dr. Peppler brought her research group, the Creativity Labs, to be a part of UCI’s Connected Learning Lab, where she brings together educators, designers, artists, and learning theorists interested in supporting learning by leveraging youths’ interests in digital culture, design, and making.
Dr. Peppler earned an NSF early CAREER award for her work on how e-textiles and other computational construction kits popularized through the Maker movement can deepen learning and broaden participation across a range of STEM fields. Dr. Peppler’s studies have been published in leading journals in the fields of education, technology and the arts, including Science Education; Computers & Human Behavior; Mind, Culture & Activity; British Journal of Educational Technology; Journal of Science and Educational Technology; Studies in Arts Education; Review of Research in Education; Teachers College Record; and Learning, Media & Technology, among many others. Additionally, Dr. Peppler is the author or editor of over 10 books published by a range of outlets, including MIT Press, Peter Lang, Routledge, SAGE Publications, and Teachers College Press.
Through this work, Dr. Peppler has received several awards, including the Mira Tech Educator of the Year, Indiana Governor’s Award for Tomorrow’s Leaders, The ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Top 10 Papers of All Time, Outstanding Junior Faculty Award from Indiana University, and Outstanding Alumni Early Career Award from Psychological and Brain Studies at Indiana University. Her work has been consistently supported by the National Science Foundation as well as a range of foundations, federal and industry partners, including the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, the Wallace Foundation, Google.org, Wellcome Trust, US Department of Education, Boeing, Indiana Department of Education, New York Community Trust, Chicago Community Trust, Best Buy, Fossil Foundation, GAP Inc., National Geographic, as well as the Center for Craft, Creativity, and Design.
Dr. Peppler sits on the Editorial Boards for the International Journal for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and Computer Science Education and has recently served as Guest Editor for the British Journal of Educational Technology and Sustainability. Dr. Peppler was also the lead editor of the two-volume SAGE Encyclopedia of Out-of-School Learning.
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