ICER 2022 (series) / Lightning Talks and Posters /
Codespec: a Computer Programming Practice Environment
Mon 8 Aug 2022 15:00 - 15:03 at Aula Magna - Lightning Talks Chair(s): Violetta Lonati, Eleanor O'Rourke
Mon 8 Aug 2022 16:27 - 16:30 at Aula Magna - Posters
Mon 8 Aug 2022 16:27 - 16:30 at Aula Magna - Posters
Mon 8 AugDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
Mon 8 Aug
Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
15:00 - 15:30 | Lightning TalksLightning Talks and Posters at Aula Magna Chair(s): Violetta Lonati University of Milan, Eleanor O'Rourke Northwestern University A sequence of 3-minute lightning talks. Physical presenters present live on stage, for virtual presenters we will play their pre-recorded video. Many lightning talks are accompanied by a poster, so don’t miss the opportunity to meet the presenters during the following poster session. | ||
15:00 3mPoster | Codespec: a Computer Programming Practice Environment Lightning Talks and Posters Carl Haynes-Magyar University of Michigan School of Information, Nathaniel J. Haynes-Magyar University of Michigan DOI File Attached | ||
15:03 3mPoster | (How) should variables and their naming be taught in novice programming education? Lightning Talks and Posters Vivian van der Werf Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Sciences, Efthimia Aivaloglou University of Leiden, Felienne Hermans Leiden University, Marcus Specht Delft University of Technology DOI | ||
15:07 3mTalk | Piloting a new assessment tool for data science education researchers Lightning Talks and Posters Matthew Beckman Penn State University, USA, Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel Duke University and RStudio , Mine Dogucu University of California, Irvine, Evan Dragich Duke University, Chelsey Legacy University of Minnesota, Maria Tackett Duke University, Andrew Zieffler University of Minnesota | ||
15:11 3mPoster | The Impact of Gratitude Journaling on CS1 Students Lightning Talks and Posters Elexandra Tran University of Toronto, Liuming Huang University of Toronto, Michelle Craig University of Toronto, Sadia Sharmin University of Toronto DOI | ||
15:15 3mTalk | Impact of practical skills and co-curricular activities on students' professional development Lightning Talks and Posters | ||
15:18 3mPoster | Eliciting High School Students' Conceptions and Intuitions about Algorithmic Bias Lightning Talks and Posters Victor R. Lee Stanford University, Victoria Delaney Stanford University, Parth Sarin Stanford University DOI | ||
15:22 3mTalk | The Potential for Culturally Sustaining(Relevant) Data Structures Instruction Lightning Talks and Posters Simone Smarr University of Florida | ||
15:26 3mTalk | How Do Students Envision Good Programmers? Investigating Misconceptions about Professional Programmers and their Roots. Lightning Talks and Posters Yaurie Hwang Northwestern University, Jamie Gorson Benario Northwestern University, Elise Lee Northwestern University, Eleanor O'Rourke Northwestern University |
16:00 - 16:30 | PostersLightning Talks and Posters at Aula Magna The posters are all presented concurrently (in this 30-minute slot). | ||
16:00 3mPoster | Subgoals for CS1 in Python Lightning Talks and Posters Briana B. Morrison University of Virginia, Adrienne Decker University at Buffalo, Lauren Margulieux Georgia State University, Austin Cory Bart University of Delaware, USA DOI | ||
16:03 3mPoster | Misconception of Abstraction: When to Use an Example and When to Use a Variable? Lightning Talks and Posters DOI | ||
16:06 3mPoster | Career Transitions: Exploration of Women's Trajectories into a Computing Role Lightning Talks and Posters Jia Zhu Florida International University, Stephanie Lunn Georgia Institute of Technology, Monique Ross Florida International University DOI | ||
16:09 3mPoster | Increasing Awareness of SQL Anti-Patterns for Novices: a Study Design Lightning Talks and Posters Leonardo Mathon Eindhoven University of Technology, Daphne Miedema Eindhoven University of Technology DOI | ||
16:12 3mPoster | AI + Dance: Co-Designing Culturally Sustaining Curricular Resources for AI and Ethics Education Through Artistic Computing Lightning Talks and Posters Francisco Castro New York University, Kayla DesPortes New York University, William Payne New York University, Yoav Bergner New York University, Kathleen McDermott New York University DOI | ||
16:15 3mPoster | A Context-Aware Browser Extension for Just-in-Time Learning of Data Literacy Skills Lightning Talks and Posters Stephen MacNeil Temple University, Joshua Withka Temple University, Aaron Wile Temple University, Parth Patel Temple University, Emily Jao UC San Diego, Margaret Hanley Temple University DOI | ||
16:18 3mPoster | Eliciting High School Students' Conceptions and Intuitions about Algorithmic Bias Lightning Talks and Posters Victor R. Lee Stanford University, Victoria Delaney Stanford University, Parth Sarin Stanford University DOI | ||
16:21 3mPoster | (How) should variables and their naming be taught in novice programming education? Lightning Talks and Posters Vivian van der Werf Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Sciences, Efthimia Aivaloglou University of Leiden, Felienne Hermans Leiden University, Marcus Specht Delft University of Technology DOI | ||
16:24 3mPoster | The Impact of Gratitude Journaling on CS1 Students Lightning Talks and Posters Elexandra Tran University of Toronto, Liuming Huang University of Toronto, Michelle Craig University of Toronto, Sadia Sharmin University of Toronto DOI | ||
16:27 3mPoster | Codespec: a Computer Programming Practice Environment Lightning Talks and Posters Carl Haynes-Magyar University of Michigan School of Information, Nathaniel J. Haynes-Magyar University of Michigan DOI File Attached |